Los Angeles, California is my home away from home. I lived there briefly a couple of years ago and have plans of returning but LA is a place I travel frequently and the older I get the more places I explore and the better my experiences get.
This trip I was needing a much needed break from everything. I had been extremely burnt out from not taking days off (per management) and not fully engaing in my self-care routine as much as I’d like. For a while, it had seemed like all I did was wake up, go to work, go to sleep. That can’t be healthy and honestly, not my idea of what living is.

I was stoked for this trip mainly because it was my nephew’s 4th birthday party and he has been a complete JOY to watch grow and has been a true blessing to our family. Most of my time was spent playing and getting to know who he is embarking at the age of 4. I felt so at peace watching him in his innocence and watching him do things I’m scared to do like learn how to swim, karate, and just be carefree.
I was able to sit still for two weeks and really rest my mind and body and just sit with my thoughts. I had a lot of thoughts surrounding my career, blogging life, my new business venture and truly assess if I was happy and if not, what would I do to change it?

While in LA I also was able to tag along with my big sister for work and was able to check out the new Sirius XM west coast building and check out Sway in the morning’s first show. TJ Jackson was a guest on that show and I got to learn so much about him and his journey as well as family memories of the greatest Michael Jackson. I’m such a HUGE fan of MJ and the Jackson’s so it was a surreal moment for me. I was taken back at how nice and sweet TJ was and how his new music made me feel like R&B is what we are missing in this music scene. Creatively I was able to give him some input on some things which was (fangirling) cool as hell to me that he would listen.

I also ran into John Salley and his daughter Tyla Milan who has launched her Deuces 22 Cannabis brand and chatted it up for a while John made jokes about how laid my edges were.

Overall, a lot of the touristy things like the walk of fame I’ve done before. The most important thing to me is my family and creating memories with them so we spent a lot of time catching up together. I mostly got a clear head and the motivation to kill the last quarter of the year and to better plan ahead and create the life I want.

What do you like to do on vacations? Is there a place you revisit time and time again that warrants you new experiences?
Girl I’m dying to go to LA I’ve never been before but it’s so many places I want to explore and experience in LA
PLEASE go when you have free time! So much to do!
Glad you had the opportunity to come back to
LA. I was born and raised here. I have never been to any of the places you mentioned. But self care is super important so take more time for yourself! Work will always be there but family is important.
How cool! And yes I know, I’ve been slacking so much on it honestly.
Looks like you a lot of fun! I plan on going that way this summer. You gave me some ideas!
I have plenty more! Let me know if you need any suggestions.
Looks like you had such an amazing trip! I need to get back to LA
Best coast to be on!
Sounds like you had a much needed stress free vacay! L.A is one place I’ve always dreamed of living on the beach when I retire and get old. I think I should visit it first though lol. I’m glad you got in some family time & recharged yourself for all your upcoming endeavors.
Thank you! And honestly, I dream of living in a house on the beach too. I can only imagine the peace people feel being closer to the ocean.
Your nephew is such a cutie! Family is so important. I’m from Toronto abg and I haven’t been to LA but I want to go. You mentioned some fun things to do but where should I go and eat? BTW Your skin is glowing!
Thank youuu!!! I would say try Bossa Nova is a popular spot but the food is amazing, I’d try Roscoe’s of course, I’d also try Shake Shack if you’ve never had it, and there’s also a host of nice vegan spots if you’re into that. Thank you for reading!